Sweet & Salty Camembert

Sweet & Salty Camembert
  • Dairy


  • 250g Camembert
  • 125g Diced pancetta
  • 65g Pomegranate seeds
  • 4 Sprigs of thyme
  • Method

  • 1
    Preheat oven to 200°C or 180°C fan forced. Unwrap the camembert from all packaging. Place in the Midi Shallow Casserole and bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes until the rind begins to break and the centre is soft.
  • 2
    Put the pancetta in a small frying pan. Cook on a medium heat until crispy. Take off the heat, and pour onto kitchen paper to drain.
  • 3
    When the pancetta is cool, stir in the pomegranate seeds and thyme leaves. Spoon the mixture over the warm camembert and serve with breadsticks or chunks of French bread.
  • 4
    Suggested Wine pairing: Medium White: Alabarino or Medium Red: Pinot Noir