Chargrilled Halloumi with Burnt Orange and Pomegranate

Easy Easy
Under 30 min. Under 30 min.
2-4 2-4
Chargrilled Halloumi with Burnt Orange and Pomegranate
  • Dairy


  • 2 x 250g blocks of halloumi, sliced into 4-5 slices each
  • 4 small oranges
  • 100g pomegranate seeds
  • 4-5 tablespoons of pomegranate molasses
  • A handful of fresh mint leaves, rolled up and cut into thin ribbons
  • Olive oil
  • Method

  • 1
    To prepare the oranges, use a sharp knife and remove a disc of peel from the top and bottom of each orange. Then slide the knife from top to base of the orange, cutting away strips of peel as you do so. Cut each peeled orange into 4 thick, whole, round slices and brush each with some olive oil.
  • 2
    Pre-heat the grill on a low to medium heat. Test the temperature of the pan ? see Cook?s notes ? and when hot enough add the orange slices to the hot grill and cook until they blacken a little on each side. You may need to cook in batches so ensure the grill is brought back up to temperature each time as, if the surface temperature is not hot enough, the oranges may become too soft. Once charred, remove and set aside.
  • 3
    Brush both sides of the halloumi with olive oil and, having brought the grill back up to temperature, add to the pan. Cook the halloumi for about a minute or so on each side until the char marks appear.
  • 4
    Remove the halloumi and arrange on a platter along with the burnt orange pieces. Drizzle thinly with pomegranate molasses, scatter with pomegranate seeds and fresh mint and serve. A little harissa combined with oil and honey also makes a great alternative dressing.
  • 5
    Cook's note: To check if the grill is hot enough add a few drops of cold water to the hot surface. If it sizzles and the water evaporates almost immediately, it is hot enough and ready for use. If the water produces steam and has no sizzle, heat the pan for a little longer and repeat the test again.